Advanced Obedience

Our group Advanced Obedience Class meets on Tuesday evenings from 6:30-7:30 p.m. This class is the next step after graduating from our Basic Obedience Class. It is designed to take all the exercises that you learned in Basic Obedience to the next level, which is: off-leash control.
This class is held at our Monroeville location and takes place indoors and outdoors. In addition, class is periodically held in public locations to provide even more realistic training. This prepares you and your dog for an optimum level of performance in real-life situations.
There are two options for the Advanced Obedience class.
10 Sessions: $200 - or - Full Year: $320
Training consists of: sit and down on command, sit stay and down stay under distractions, sit in motion, down in motion, heeling, recall, finish, stand, stand stay, hand signals, off, back, quiet, leave-it and take-it. The goal of this class is to push each handler/dog team to its highest potential. This class is geared towards people who enjoy working with their dog and want to take their skills to the highest possible level, or for people who want to do competition with their dog.